Human Truths

Amber Muir-._.Letting Go (Series A)

Human Truths

An Exhibition Featuring Students from East Central College: Nick Brobst, Matt Lawson, Rhiannon McGee, Amber Muir and Faculty Sponsor and Curator: Adam Watkins
The work of Nick Brobst sits within the juxtaposition of urban street art and fine art with the use of text as pure form. Matt Lawson uses the human condition as his muse as he looks into himself through his work. Rhiannon McGee delves into the ideas of connection and belonging. The theme of self, identity and coming of age is central to the work of Amber Muir. The newest work of Adam Watkins is surrounded by a desire for love, truth and belonging mixed with personal translations of Derrida’s theories on Ontology.
Human Truths seeks to show the interplay between positive and negative shapes, spaces and ideals along with the use text that seeks to communicate on a broad level, as well as, to personal and disparate ends. This work is bold and striking both formally and visually. These initially bold images simultaneously present an underlying statement of truth. Truths not specified, but softly alluded to, or suggested and magnified by the viewer’s own interpretations. Whether these interpretations remain formal in nature or if they delve into the underlying subjective meanings of truths, a conversation or discourse is begun and continued.
We must be students of history and seek to not repeat. If Post-Modernism and the 21st century have taught us anything, it is not to repeat yet to (re)investigate, (re)examine, (re)configure and (re)contextualize. We are allowed to draw new lines, new parallels and new perpendiculars as we seek out our own human truths.

Curated by Adam Watkins

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